17th January 2020: Jacob and Penny have built a new nest in a different location on the beach. They are using a wind-break fence as the back-drop to their nest. They have seven eggs that look very healthy. Jacob and Penny’s current cygnets: Cobie, Siggy and Janessa which are 4.5 months of age have been hanging around. Jacob has been quite forward with them to encourage them leave. While it seems tough, it is normal for grown cygnets to be moved on when there is a new clutch.
20th January 2020: Jacob was on the nest today, while Penny was nearby. Penny decided to come over when she saw us.
26th January 2020: Two eggs have mysteriously disappeared, leaving five eggs in the nest. Jacob and Penny were having turns in nesting on Australia Day. Penny was on the nest initially while Jacob was close by. Their cygnets: Cobie, Siggy and Janessa are now five-months of age and were also hanging around.
28th January 2020: Both Jacob and Penny are doing well. It is nice to see their cygnets: Cobie, Siggy and Janessa have not been deterred by Jacob trying to keep them away from the nest. This will no doubt change when the eggs are nearing to hatch or hatch.
31st January 2020: A very hot day at Paynesville with the temperature around 43 degrees. Jacob was on the nest and feeling the heat and humidity. Penny arrived for a changeover, giving Jacob the opportunity to have a refreshing splash in the lake.
5th February 2020: Penny on the nest with Jacob nearby, as are their cygnets.
9th February 2020: Jacob and Penny have been diligent manning the nest in strict rotation. Jacob was nesting today and Penny was swimming on the lake. Their cygnets Cobie, Siggy and Janessa from last season are also keeping close by.
15th February 2020: Jacob and Penny arranging a swap over. Initially Jacob was on the nest, Penny came in from the lake to take over.
19th February 2020: Exciting news Jacob and Penny had four cygnets hatch late today. We did not want to disturb the couple at night so limited photography (note we used a zoom lense). Will take photographs in the next day or so.
21st February 2020: We can confirm Jacob and Penny had four cygnets hatch on 19th February 2020. There is an unhatched egg which still requires further incubation. Jacob and Penny have already had their babies swim on the edge of the lake! The cygnets have been named Fluffy, Gracie, Nessie and Signet (the names were drawn from a novel written by Serene Conneeley “The Swan Maiden” about the adventures of Jacob and Penny and their cygnets).