Introducing Jacob and Penny

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Jacob and Penny life-long partners have made the small village of Paynesville, located within the Gippsland Lakes, their home.

The Gippsland Lakes are 4.2 times the size of Sydney Harbour and comprise three large lakes: Lake King, Lake Victoria and Lake Wellington. There are also numerous navigable waterways, like Jones Bay, Newlands Backwater, Duck Arm, Bankcroft Bay, Boxes Creek, etc.

Jacob and Penny are local celebrities at Paynesville with many fans visiting them on a regular basis.

When they cross the Esplanade, drivers and pedestrians stop to give way.

Jacob and Penny have had Cygnets every year. In October 2018 Penny had four Cygnets.

Penny and her four Cygnets born early October 2018.
Here we come!
The cygnets following mum around.
The cygnets hanging around with mum.
The Paynesville foreshore is their territory.
Penny and Jacob’s cygnets at 7 months, May 2019.